Nia Tracey
Reiki, Akashic Records

Teacher and Practitioner of Reiki, Akashic Records, All Love, Innerdance, Yoga, and Meditation

It's time to shine, to let go of the past and all that no longer serves so that we can be the lights that we are and live our most thriving life!

Nia began her healing journey in her early 20’s but it wasn’t until she found Reiki at age 30 that her life truly began to transform. During the Reiki attunement ceremony she had the thought, "oh there I am" and felt a sense of homecoming that would lead to her thinking of her life as, "before and after Reiki." She knew that not only had she found what she needed for her own healing but that she had found her calling as well. She began studying, training and becoming certified in many different healing modalities and her passion became transformation for herself and others.

Nia is an empath who knows how to hold space for the deepest of traumas to heal and she is an amazing teacher of all that she has been trained in and discovered over the years. An educator by nature, Nia finds joy and self-fulfillment through teaching others. She empowers everyone to realize that they are their own greatest healers and teachers. Through her business Turn Your Shine On, Nia offers Reiki training 1, 2, and Master Level as well as Akashic Records training. In her private practice, Nia works one-on-one with individuals using her gifts to help them heal and transform their lives.

Articles from Our Library

Work with Nia Tracey

  • Akashic Readings & Energy Work

    Receive an Akashic Reading, Energy Work or both. During an Akashic reading you can ask questions of your Guides and Angels and receive their unconditional love and healing energy. Receive their wisdom and guidance about any area of your life, and ask any question or curiosity that you can think of. During Energy work you can experience Reiki, All Love, Innerdance or a combination for transformation, healing, restoration or whatever is most needed.

  • Women Rising Together Program

    A 3 Month Journey to Awaken your Divine Feminine, Raise your Vibration, and Come Together in Sisterhood. During these three months together we will experience All Love Heart Healing, Past Life Regression, Parts Work, Energy Healing, Tantric Breathwork, Kundalini Activation, the Akashic Records and more so that we can rise together into our most free and thriving selves.

  • Akashic Records Training

    Learn to communicate with your Angels and Guides and become a channel for the wisdom and healing energy of the Akashic Records. The records carry profound healing energy and unconditional love from our Guides, Angels, loved ones, and Source. Through the records, we can receive answers to any questions we have about our past, present, and future.