
A medium is a psychic who has fine-tuned his or her extrasensory perception and can interface with the spirits in other dimensions. The practice of mediumship takes various forms, each with its own unique methods and experiences.

There are different forms of mediumship including mental, physical, and trance mediumship. The most common type is mental mediumship, in which the medium receives visual images (clairvoyance), hears voices or sounds (clairaudience), and/or as physical sensations and impressions (clairsentience). The medium interprets these mental experiences and conveys them to the living.

Another form is physical mediumship, which involves observable phenomena that others can witness. This may include the materialization of spirits, mysterious appearances of objects known as apports, levitation, or the production of voices from an unseen source, often called direct voice phenomena.

Trance mediumship involves the medium entering a trance state. In this state, spirits can control the medium's body to communicate. This control can manifest in various ways, such as speaking in voices distinct from the medium's, writing messages, or performing physical activities beyond the medium's normal capabilities.

Mediumship practices can be traced back to ancient practices of spirit communication in a variety of cultures. In modern times, the history of mediumship is rooted in the spiritualist movement of the mid-19th century, particularly in the United States and the United Kingdom. The modern spiritualist era is often marked by the events surrounding the Fox sisters in New York during the 1840s, who claimed to communicate with spirits through rapping noises. This period saw the rise of séances, where mediums purported to produce physical phenomena such as levitation and materialization.

Today, mediumship has evolved, adapting to changing societal attitudes and technology. The focus has shifted more towards mental mediumship, emphasizing evidential messages to affirm life after death or work with spirit guides and angels to seek counsel. The practice has expanded to television and online platforms, reaching a broader audience. Despite continued skepticism and scientific scrutiny, mediumship remains an integral part of spiritual and religious practices for many, reflecting a persistent human curiosity about the afterlife and the unseen world.

A mediumship session, where the medium connects with the spirit realm, can offer several benefits, particularly in terms of emotional and psychological well-being. Experiences can be deeply subjective and effectiveness and impact of a mediumship session can depend significantly on the individual's openness, beliefs, and the skill and integrity of the medium involved.

  • Affirm beliefs of an afterlife providing reassurance

  • Closure and comfort for those processing grief and loss

  • Connection, reassurance, and comfort that loved ones are with them in some form

  • Coping with grief through a new perspective or guidance

  • Healing emotional pain by addressing unresolved issues or addressing life’s hardships

  • Personal growth and insight through deeper understanding of oneself

  • Reduced fear of death or tragedy

  • Increased or renewed faith

The psychic reading industry, including mediumship, has seen substantial growth in the United States, with its market size reaching about $2.3 billion, marking an over 50% increase since 2005. This growth reflects a continued interest in such practices, despite the mixed and often controversial results from the scientific study of mediumship.

Some studies focus on the effect psychic readings have on bereavement. A 2014 study found that spontaneous and induced experiences of after-death communication (ADC) have been shown to be beneficial in the resolution of grief by demonstrating continued bonds between the living and those who have passed. Another study in 2012 found that parents grieving the loss of a child found that support groups and psychic readings were the most helpful in coping with their grief.

While there isn’t overwhelming scientific evidence on mediumship, there is a growing body of research dedicated to studying consciousness and non-local perception, with some researchers viewing mediumship as a potential area for understanding human consciousness and its capabilities.

The University of Virginia School of Medicine has a Division of Perceptual Studies (DOPS), which is a university-based research group devoted to the investigation of phenomena that challenge mainstream scientific paradigms regarding the nature of human consciousness. The DOPS core research mission is the rigorous evaluation of empirical evidence for exceptional human experiences and capacities that bear on whether mind and brain are distinct and separable and whether consciousness survives physical death.

Mediums work in a variety of ways. While experiences vary, here are some tips for understanding what a mediumship session may be like

  • Sessions can take place in-person, over the phone, or via a video session

  • Some mediums offer group readings as well as one-on-one sessions

  • Mediums provide a serene and intimate environment that fosters a sense of tranquility and openness

  • For phone or video sessions, be sure to take the meeting in a calm place where you feel relaxed

  • At the beginning of the session, mediums usually introduce their methods and outline what participants can expect, including any guidelines for communication during the session.

  • As the reading commences, the medium may enter into a meditative state to receive messages from the spiritual realm.

  • Messages can range from general observations to specific details about deceased individuals. The way these messages are delivered varies with each medium—some may speak them aloud, while others might write them down or use different techniques.

  • Participants are usually encouraged to interact by confirming the relevance or accuracy of the information, aiding the medium in refining their readings through validations

  • Be mindful of how much information you share initially, as over-disclosure can lead to less specific readings shaped by your input.

  • Mediumship sessions are often charged with emotion, particularly when they involve connecting with a departed loved one. It’s completely natural for participants to display their emotions and take moments to process the communicated messages.

  • The session typically concludes with the medium providing a closing statement, which might include a summary of the conveyed messages or advice on interpreting and integrating this information into one’s life.

Mediumship can be an incredibly healing experience if you find a reputable medium and approach the session with an open mind. Many mediums have sizable waiting lists so you will have time to prepare for your session.

  • Look for mediums with a reputable background, checking their experience and client reviews

  • Set a clear intention for what you hope to gain from the session, be it closure, guidance, or simply exploring your curiosity. It’s an important step as it helps focus the session and make it more meaningful.

  • Mental and emotional preparation is equally important. Approach with an open mind but also maintain realistic expectations, remembering that mediumship and personal experiences can vary significantly.

  • Choose a setting for the session where you feel comfortable and can be uninterrupted, ensuring privacy and a conducive environment for the reading.

  • After the session, take some time to reflect on the experience and the information you received. Journaling your thoughts and emotions can be a helpful way to process the session. 

  • A word of caution is necessary: be wary of mediums who demand excessive fees, make extravagant claims, or promise to remove curses or guarantee certain outcomes. A legitimate medium should not pressure you into more sessions or exploit your vulnerabilities.


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