Space Clearing


Smudging = energetic cleansing ritual for removing negative energy, typically using smoke from burning herbs


Follow your intuition - how do you feel in your space?

Space Clearing is an energetic ritual in which smoke, incense, crystals, salt, sound, or other modalities are used to vibrationally clear and cleanse a room or area. Space clearing operates on the basis that energy can build up over time, leaving a vibrational imprint on a space, and potentially impacting the emotional states of the people that enter the room. 

Space Clearing works to remove blockages and imbalances, as well as create a positive and uplifting environment. Like daily household cleaning, this type of Space Clearing can be performed as a hygiene or cleanliness ritual to clear an area of unwanted or residual negative energy in the home, office, car, or other space of choice.

Space clearing, a practice with deep historical roots, has evolved over time, incorporating traditional and modern techniques. Ancient rituals like the smudging ceremonies with Palo Santo by the Incas, sage and cedarwood by Native Americans, and the use of salts and sounds in various cultures, have paved the way for contemporary methods.

Today, this practice often blends these age-old techniques with new trends like the use of energy-enhancing crystals, advanced sound therapy tools, and even digital applications designed to harmonize space energetically. Additionally, Feng Shui principles, focusing on object arrangement for balance, continue to influence modern space clearing practices, reflecting a fusion of tradition and innovation.

Remove Stagnant Energy: Over time, spaces can accumulate stagnant energy, which may feel heavy or unwelcoming. Space clearing helps to dissipate this energy, replacing it with a fresher, more vibrant atmosphere. This can be especially helpful after negative events or during times of change.

Ease Tension or Stress: Environments where tension and stress have built up can benefit significantly from space clearing. This practice can help to diffuse the underlying unease, making the space feel more relaxed and harmonious.

Create a Welcoming Energy in a New Office or Home: Moving into a new space often means inheriting the energy of previous occupants. Space clearing can help to reset this energy, allowing you to infuse the space with your own intentions and make it feel more personally welcoming and comfortable.

Help Establish Peace of Mind: Cluttered and chaotic environments can contribute to a cluttered mind. By clearing the space, you're also helping to create a more peaceful and clear mental environment. This can be beneficial for mental well-being and relaxation.

May Help Boost Creativity and Productivity: A clean, well-organized, and energetically vibrant space can stimulate the mind, potentially enhancing creativity and productivity. This is particularly relevant in workspaces or studios where creative thinking and efficiency are important. 

Space clearing is a holistic approach aimed at improving the energy and atmosphere of a space. It can be particularly supportive in various situations and conditions, often tied to the emotional or energetic state of the inhabitants or the space itself. Here are some conditions where space clearing may be beneficial:

  • Feeling weighed down or emotionally “heavy”

  • Needing to reset or re-vitalize 

  • Feeling stagnant or uninspired

  • Issues with productivity 

  • Feeling negative energy, or that something is “off” in a particular space

  • Work, relationship, or emotional stress

  • Someone has health problems in the space

  • Feeling a presence in the space

Though many space clearing benefits are intangible and its personal and emotional benefits are difficult to measure, science supports space clearing in the form of sage smudging as an effective anti-bacterial air freshener.

A study from the Journal of Ethnopharmacology found that, when smudging for one hour using a mix of medicinal herbs and wood, harmful airborne bacteria was reduced by 94%. By clearing harmful pathogens, mites, mold, and dust from the air, smudging may also help relieve symptoms of respiratory issues such as asthma and bronchitis.

The practice of space clearing often involves concepts of energy work that are not easily measurable or studied within the framework of conventional science. However, from a psychological perspective, space clearing can have a notable impact. Individuals reportedly feel an improved sense of well-being and reduced stress after engaging in what they believe to be a beneficial ritual. This change in perception, rather than an actual alteration of the environment's energy, can lead to tangible benefits for the individual.

A space clearing session can vary depending on the specific practices and traditions followed, but generally, you can expect the following steps and elements:

Preparation: The person conducting the session may start by preparing the space. This could involve physically cleaning the area, arranging items for the ceremony (like candles, incense, bells, or crystals), and possibly setting an intention for the clearing.

Consultation: If you're working with a professional space clearer, there might be an initial consultation to discuss your goals and any specific issues you're experiencing with the space.

Ritual or Ceremony: The core of the session is often a ritual or ceremony. This might involve burning sage or other herbs (a process known as smudging), using sound (like ringing bells or singing bowls), or invoking spiritual or energetic cleansing through prayers, chants, or affirmations. The practitioner may move systematically through the space, focusing on corners, doorways, and windows, which are often considered to hold stagnant energy.

Energy Work: Some space clearers may incorporate energy work, using their hands or tools like wands or feathers to manipulate or clear the energy in the room. Space clearing experts can also work from a distance, tuning into the energy of your space from afar.

Sealing and Protecting the Space: After clearing, the practitioner may 'seal' the space, often by visualizing a protective barrier or using symbols, to maintain the cleansed energy. They might also offer blessings or set positive intentions.

Debrief and Advice: Post-clearing, there may be a debrief session where the practitioner shares their observations and may offer advice on how to maintain the space's energy, like regular practices or adjustments to the arrangement of the space.

Personal Experience: The experience can be deeply personal and vary greatly from one person to another. You might feel a range of emotions during the session, from calm and relaxed to emotional, as the process can sometimes stir up underlying feelings.

Follow-up: In some cases, there might be a follow-up session or communication to see how the space feels after some time and whether further adjustments are needed.

Remember, space clearing is as much about the intention and belief of the participants as it is about the actual physical acts performed during the session. The experience is often tailored to individual needs and can vary greatly depending on cultural, spiritual, or personal preferences.

Our Woo School educator, Lais Stephan is a space clearing expert. learn more about her and how to work with her here.


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